My New Year's Resolution

Here are my New Year's Resolution. I will just focus on these 3 things for this year.

1. Save 20% of my salary per month - Last year, I didn't save much so when something happened - I ended up having lots of debts.

But before I can save 20% of my salary per month, I need to settle my debts first. There are still some outstanding not to mention the bill that I have to pay for my stolen phone. It has a one year contract that's why I have no choice but to pay. I have not been using the service for 3 months now and I have to pay up to April plus the expenses the thief had incurred before I was able to block the outgoing calls and text messages. :(

Globe Tattoo SuperStick, SuperStick
2. Blog a day – My blogs are not updated, most of them are dormant for months now. So for this year, I’ll do my very best to blog everyday. I will just make use of scheduled blog post feature so it will be updated daily. As you know, my net connection is just terrible. If I get extra funds, I'll buy Globe Tattoo SuperStick as my back-up connection. I learned that it is the newest offering from Tattoo Broadband and it  is faster than any sticks out there - in fact, up to 3mbps. And having it will definitely be a huge help for my work which is always done online.

3. Do best with my work – the most important of all. I need to improve and get out of my comfort zone.


  1. Don't worry alms, maimpas ra lagi ka ana. Sagdi nalang to nagkawat sa imo phone.

  2. wow..nice one almz...there are more blessings to come this year...don't worry about you debts. :D God bless you.

  3. I heard about Globe Tattoo SuperStick and I'm interested in buying too.

  4. I've been planning to buy globe tattoo, hope to have it soon..i love globe!

  5. Sorry to hear about your phone alms.can't the provider just block the phone and waive the remaining of the contract?that's what they do here then u can just get new phone.saving is not really my forte ever hehe.God Bless

  6. nice one almz. walay problema na dili ma sulbad. gihatag na sa imo para to be more focus and to be more motivated.. you should put more on the list. :)

  7. Thank you guys for all the comments!


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